
,,TapProfileoryourprofilepictureinthebottomrighttogotoyourprofile.·TapmoreoptionsMenuinthetopright.·BelowYourappandmedia,tapArchiving ...,1.OpenyourInstagramappandgotothepicturethatyouwanttodownloadonyouriPhone2.Taponthethreedotsintherighttopcorner3.Tap'Copyshare ...,IfyouwanttoautomaticallysaveyourpostedphotostoiPhone,youcanenabletheSaveoriginalphotosfeatureintheInstagramsettings.,YoucansaveI...

Save Instagram photos to your device

Tap Profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile. · Tap more options Menu in the top right. · Below Your app and media, tap Archiving ...

How to download Instagram picturesvideos on iPhone

1. Open your Instagram app and go to the picture that you want to download on your iPhone 2. Tap on the three dots in the right top corner 3. Tap 'Copy share ...

4 Free Ways | How to Save Instagram Photos on iPhone

If you want to automatically save your posted photos to iPhone, you can enable the Save original photos feature in the Instagram settings.

How do I save a photo someone has posted on instagram

You can save Instagram photos without posting them online by putting your phone on airplane mode. The upload will fail but the photo is saved to ...

How to Save a Picture from Instagram: 4 Simple Ways

Copy the URL for the image you'd like to download, click CHECK URL > SAVE IMAGE > Download. Use Reposter for Instgram if you have an iPhone. Click  ...

How To Save Instagram photos on iPhone

Welcome to our guide on how to save Instagram photos on your iPhone! In this video, we'll show you the simple steps to download and save ...